About HyunHoon
Profile |
Full Name: Lee HyunHoon. |
Species: Wolf. |
Pronouns: She/Her. |
Birthday: November 10th. |
Height: 5 ft. 8 in. | 173cm. |
Labor: Bounty Hunter. |
MBTI: istj |
Destinated to hide to survive. Lee HyunHoon came from a different reality, where magic and antromorphic beings live. One day, obliged to leave her family and run for her life, she found a small portal that would lead her to this world.Knowing nothing about how to survive, she went through disappointment after disappointment, pain, suffering and betrayals. Thinking that her destiny is to roam as a loner.Trusting no one, HyunHoon, and her unrequierd friend have found a way to survive, even if that means doing the tasks no one wants and putting everything above her own principles. Hoping that maybe that strange portal will appear again and will lead her home.
Behind The Character
If you ever have watched one of my streams, you will notice right away that HyunHoon and I are totally opposites. We can even call each other our alter egos, lol.
And that's the idea: Hyun is all I am not (or ever will be), but at the same time, we share some thoughts; maybe she is just a part that lives deep inside me.(You can follow her story by listening to my ASMRs on my Youtube channel.)At first, I was planning on naming her "Aki" and keeping an "Autunm" theme, but my inspiration hit me hard back then, and well, here she is, and I love her.Here's a little something about me:► I can't roleplay when streaming. My personality just would never allow it; I'm just too random.► I'm shy, but I push myself to not be (at least when the camera is on).► I have huge dreams and imagination; that's why I'm always daydreaming.► I can sing.► I speak Spanish (native language), English, and a little tiny itty bitty Japanese.► Mexican.►Catholic.► I'd love to work on a game or series as a voice actress at least once.► I want to be a full-time Vtuber. Right now I can't because #Work, but I'll do it someday. Just wait, please.► I tend to forget things easily (even words).► I tend to dissosiate :D► I love coffee.► MBTI: infp► I have made my character design from zero, rigged it, and worked on my own illustrations.► Member of the best squad (BAHM. B = Basileia, A = Arafen, H = HyunHoon, M = Metty Deschia) I love you guys!! ♡
Sheet On The Left By @Cube_Bie // Sheet On The Right By @Setsudasai
Vtuber • Singer • Ilustrator • ASMR Artist • Graphic Designer